Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tk 3_Description

Naming the Thing

This is the first task for the design studio in the first semester in Sint-Lucas School of Architecture.

Using the information from the introduction lecture on the design studio and on the problematic of an ageing population, the students should express a personal stance, a statement, an opinion or a question on the topic of the design studio and/or the assignment.

The result is one PDF din A3 landscape that should act as a first intuitive mission statement and guide for the next fourteen weeks. This statement can be a baseline, a slogan, a sketch, an image, a text, a collage...

The task is performed and finalized during the design studio session of October 6.
The students work in teams of three and uploaded one A3 per team.

You'll find a description of the design studio topic and assignment in our previous posts.

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