Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tk 9_Description

This is the final output of the design studio from the Learning Activity 18.
Each group presents minimum 4, maximum 6 A1 panels (landscape orientation) containing
the following:
-The general concept of the project: ageing and the library
-The reading and interpretation of the site and its proposed intervention(s)
-The spatial and programmatic lay-out of the building(s) (interior and outdoor spaces)
-The unique qualities of the site-specific intervention(s)
-The accessibility of the building(s) and its direct surroundings (relation to workshop outcomes)

All the panels will be mounted in an evaluation exhibition formation in Sint-Lucas Gent on
January 12th 2011.

Tk 6_Description

This task continues the design studio work and was submitted after the inetmediate review of November 10th.

The students were asked to upload 2 din A1 landsape formate in pdf
a concept
an opinion
a mission statement
on the relation bewteen ageing and knowledge (lifelong learning, re-skilling)
The panels should investigate (contain the investigation) of the realtion between dwellings for an ageing population and knowledge....

All information that is uploaded should be 'general' in the sence that it is not site-specific and can be understood by other students who are not working on the Waalse Krook or the topic but is usefull in the study of dwelling.

Tk 3_Description

Naming the Thing

This is the first task for the design studio in the first semester in Sint-Lucas School of Architecture.

Using the information from the introduction lecture on the design studio and on the problematic of an ageing population, the students should express a personal stance, a statement, an opinion or a question on the topic of the design studio and/or the assignment.

The result is one PDF din A3 landscape that should act as a first intuitive mission statement and guide for the next fourteen weeks. This statement can be a baseline, a slogan, a sketch, an image, a text, a collage...

The task is performed and finalized during the design studio session of October 6.
The students work in teams of three and uploaded one A3 per team.

You'll find a description of the design studio topic and assignment in our previous posts.